Decisions, Not Options

There is no single correct way to write a web application. For WordPress core developers, few (if any) decisions are trivial. Balancing feature development, iteration, and deadlines (everyone’s favorite) is rocket surgery. Our code runs on a large stage — with tens of millions of users and tens of thousands of developers, we consider every change carefully.

We’ll discuss the factors that inform WordPress core development decisions, and development principles that can improve your own web application.

Check out Daryl’s slides: Decisions not options

About the Speaker:
Daryl Koopersmith is a man of many hats. By day, he is a nomadic WordPress core developer — he works at Automattic and is jazzed about JavaScript, interface engineering, and the infamous Alot. By night, he dabbles in the dark arts of rhythmic tapping and culinary combinatorics. Koop is currently settling into temperate San Francisco, where he is fueled by burritos and all things musical.